Our Cause and Values

"We do meaningful work for people who care."

Our mission is to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses, increase online sales, and improve customer acquisition, all while enabling strengths-based, accommodative and inclusive employment or contractual work opportunities.

Where some see barriers, we search for and identify strengths.

Abilities and Character are What Matter

A Skills and Interest Based Team Approach. Online sales and marketing at scale requires specific skills, and typically a team to implement. Our competitive edge will be a work culture where skilled and motivated people to achieve greatness and earn money, regardless of physical challenges, neurological differences, location or time challenges. 

Valuable Skills + Strong Motivation + Meaningful Opportunity = Extraordinary Results

Why We Exist - Goals and Beliefs

Do meaningful work for people who care.

values character candor compassion capability values character candor compassion capability
our values Character
Strong Character

We strive to associate ourselves with people, businesses and brands who have a strong sense of responsibility, are honest and fair, and are good citizens.


Truthful and transparent communication. We value eachothers opinion, are obsessed with data-driven decision making, and encourage open and transparent communication to ensure the best work is created.

our values - candor

Compassion to recognize difficulties others have, and take action to help. Meaningful work, for people who care. An inclusive environment where strengths and interests are celebrated, and personal challenges can be overcome or accomodated.


Capability - the extent of someone's or something's ability. Empowering ourselves and eachother with the ability, specific skills, training, and/or opportunity to achieve personal and common goals. Employment and achievement for all.