Do you want to scale your business online?
Just Be It. What they want - When they want it.
The catch? You have to offer something people are searching for.
Imagine how great it would feel, to have your ideal customers coming to you 24/7.
Confidently take the lead at your next online marketing and sales meeting. Know what direction to give and ask for updates to the plan.
No unnecessary jargon, no marketing-speak.
You can with a smart customer acquisition strategy, helped by search engines and executed using best practices we call Be Searchified™

Kind Words and Testimonials
Miriam is on a mission to help entrepreneurs realize their dream outcome for profitable online sales using search. Her sales career started in the 1980's driving thousands of miles in the snow, and sweltering heat wearing a suit, stockings, and heels, while carrying heavy sample bags. Why? To make a sale to lingerie retailers far and wide. Now she's obsessed with data-driven eCommerce because it's faster, easier, and much more cost effective. It's still requires effort, but the results can be transformative with a search friendly customer acquisition framework.
Be SEARCHIFIED™ for Sales Illustrated
Problems Solved
"Without a Strong Why, People don't Buy" - Jim Edwards
Tell and Show Everything! There's a reason infomercials and home shopping networks are super successful.
They explain everything about a product. Features. Benefits. From every angle - everything that does or might matter.
Google indexes the world's information. If you don't say it - you're not it, you're out.
Solve It. Say It. Show It. Sell It.™
Your ideal customer - what specific thing are they looking for?
It's easier than ever to know exactly what your next customer wants to solve, know, buy, or get done for them as a service.
Think of it like Keyword Listening!
If you don't say it specifically - someone else will and get the visibility you deserve.
Bonus! The buyers' keywords are the foundation for profitable SEM search advertising campaigns.

One word matters - especially to search engines.
“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.”
- Mark Twain.
Lightning Bolt or Lightning Bug?
Adding one word makes a huge difference for SEO.
Tracking is OUT. Privacy is IN.
How will you make your numbers in a privacy first-no tracking evolution?
This is a BIG PROBLEM for a lot of online businesses today and will only get worse in 2023 and beyond.
A lot of companies have relied on social media marketing to get customers.
The targeting problem is solved with search friendly content, and search advertising.
Searchers "OPT IN" to see what you have to say.
We love this kid and know how he feels. Can you relate?
Is this your ideal customer or prospect? Your team or employees? Google and Amazon?
90% Of web pages are never found in search because Google isn't impressed.
98% Of people leave the average web site, or product listing without any taking action.
Let's rid the world of boring irrelevant content together!
Does your ad campaign pay for itself with the revenue generated?
Most ads don't, but they could if you focus your time and money on people ready to take action and want exactly what you offer.
How do you know?
You know because they are searching for you, what you offer, or your competitors.
Google, Amazon and others would love connect the right buyers and sellers.
Convince them it's you!
A few words about the shark in the room, like the "elephant in the room" no one talks about.
A lot of entrepreneurs and big companies alike are vulnerable to so called "experts" who will get your business to magically appear on Google.
Does this character email and call you - too? Oy! Or worse - have you hired this person?
Learn how to avoid the pitfalls of working with so-called "SEO Experts" and make smart choices when interviewing and hiring.
There's a lot of GREAT TALENT out there.
Every business needs a consistent source of cash to survive. Small. Large. For-Profit and Nonprofit.
Smarketing = Sales + Marketing. That's our edge, or what makes us different.
You can't put a % in the bank, or impressions, or "awareness" advertising.
Prioritize your precious TIME and MONEY to focus on BUYERS - not tire kickers or window shoppers.
Solve It. Say It. Show It. Sell It.™
Who, What and How.
The best of the best online in YOUR industry or niche.
Is it you? Know the answers. How you measure up, and how the best online competitors in YOUR industry, category, or niche are achieving extraordinary success.
BONUS! Know their weaknesses, where there is an opening on the field or find white space in your niche.
Anything they can do, you can do better - if you try!
This is just one example of the Be SEARCHIFIED™ effect.
We helped a Fabulous Women's Brick & Mortar Retailer with 2 Locations - in a HIGHLY Competitive Industry.
Value? $156,000 per year -of Free/Earned traffic and visibility.
*Publicly available information.
Location. Location. Location.
Did you know? Position on the page isn't bought - it's earned. Most folks don't know that.
Be SEARCHIFIED™ certified companies and clients earn the #1 position the most for the keywords we're targeting. In-market searchers, people getting ready to buy.
Show up 24/7 for the keywords that matter to your business and drive sales.
Too many leads? Pause the campaigns until you're ready for more.

Reach your sales goals a whole lot faster.
Delegate wisely, by being specifc with changes to be made.
Stop Guessing. Trial and error costs more than money. There's an opportunity cost for missed sales and lost time.
Feel Confident. Data-Driven Answers to Your Most Pressing Problems.
Easier. Faster. Better.
Sorry -Not for direct competitors of our clients. Contact us to see if you are eligible.
Education for you and your team.
Niche Specific, so you can learn & apply quickly.
Online Smarketing = Sales + Marketing
Who is it for? Professionals who are frustrated anytime the subject of SEO & SEM comes up.
> Entrepreneurs & CEO's
> Advertising & Marketing Professionals
> Implementers
Master Classes, Masterminds Groups
Online Courses
COMING Q1 - 2023

FAQs - Everything You Might Want To Ask..and then some!
We are search engine marketing specialists (SEM), search engine optimization consultants, or SEO specialists.
We collobarate with web designers and graphic designers who have many decades of experience in online sales and marketing - and account managent.
We have worked with some large advertising agencies, and will again if the right fit.
We, and our clients, have had huge successes to celebrate, and many failures to learn from.
The key to failure is to fail fast, fail cheap and fail forward in the direction you want to go.
We've learned enough to know it's time to scale, to help fabulous entrepreneurs and businesses realize their potential.
Industries we have deep, direct experience with include (not listed in order of importance)
*Women's Clothing
*Fragrances & Skincare
*Pet Products
*Food & Beverage
*Automotive Services & Parts
*Moving and Storage
*Warehousing and Logistics
*Doctors (Specialists)
*Holistic Medicine
*Industrial Products & Services
*Heavy Equipment Parts and Services
*Antiques and Collectibles
*Furniture Stores
*Cleaning & Restoration Services
*Specialized Realtors
*Insurance Agencies
Sorry..we can't say it online without permission, it wouldn't be fair. They can and do refer us.
Lastly - we wont work directly with any of our clients direct competitors at the specific product or geographic location level.
Sort of. We started out as an "agency" - because we had a valuable service to offer and that's the way everyone like us was doing it.
Most people think of digital marketing as social media marketing, which is not our thing, or what we do.
Over the last decade of servicing clients, and collaborating with large advertising and marketing agencies and partners, it became obvious that SEO and SEM were under utilized because people dont understand the value of doing it well, or how to approach it because it's confusing.
The problem to solve is training. We need to train - too! It's hard becuase theres plenty of highly tactical information available for free - but not strategy (first).
Without a strategy - time is wasted.
Despite being called an agency - we're transition to an education model (DIY), or do it with you (DIWY) offering so entrpreneurs, small businesses, and agencies can benefit from the strategies.
No, we dont make websites anymore (except this one, for better or worse)
The Be Searchified™ Process can be implemented on any website or landing page.
We do collaborate with some of the best web designers, graphic designers, writers and content develpers photographers, video editors and video creators who are skilled in beautiful on-site implementations that are content & keyword rich, SEO friendly and great landing pages for PPC pay per click advertising , or SEM search advertising with high quality scores.
Shopify, WordPress, SquareSpace, Wix and More.
Unfortunately, no we can't offer free consultations because for 2 reasons.
1. The answers and strategies shared in the first hour are usually the most valuable.
2. You will be less invested in the process if you're not paying for it.
If scaling your online business is important to you, then finding the best eCommerce consultant or mentor who undertands your exact customer or prospect really well, is the fastest and most profitable way to get to your end goal.
If it's free - you will probably get what you pay for.
Yes. We are eCommerce SEO speciaists, because we use a specific strategy that helps drive online sales and conversion for products and services - with a focus on the way buyers search online.
We specialize in the type of eCommerce SEO or search engine optimization for sales that we immagine that Google and Amazon wish more people understood.
On-Page SEO for Sales. Product SEO. What you say and how you say it so search engines can share you and your website as the best or relevant answer for the Ecommerce keywords and search term.
Yes we're talking about SEM, but within the context of a wholistic approach.
At this time, we are not taking on new management clients, but offer consulting services to businesses who want to get more conversions from their existing PPC campaigns.
We help you with strategy, so you or your team can implement the changes.
Search Engine Marketing or SEM, as Google describes it in their online courses is Paid Search Advertising.
SEM is exceptionally effective when the keyword(s) or a buyers search terms are in the ad, and ON the landing page.
For this reason, our method of SEM - Be SEARCHIFIED™ requires control or influence over all three components for optimal results.
Keywords Targeted. Ad Copy. Landing Page Copy.
Not complicated if you think like YOUR IDEAL prospect or customer.
Good SEO and SEM are not complicated once you get the key concepts - you can scale with ease.
The hardest part for most entrepreneurs and content developers and is to reverse their perspective,
and think like an online buyer instead of a seller.
Say what they want to know, what's in it for them.
Keyword Listening allows you to understand what YOUR IDEAL CUSTOMER WANTS, and WANTS TO KNOW.
SEO for Ecommerce focuses on keywords a buyer would use when they are ready to act.
It pays to listen! The customer is always right.
Yes, on a limited basis. We're busy creating educational materials so we can scale (like you).
We're busy, but like you we're always interested in a great opportunity.
At this time, hourly consulting services are available to entrpreneurs, CEO's and businesses who have programs implemented and need a "quick make over", or who already have a decent understanding of search engine marketing and SEO (not the gimiky back link aquisition kind, or are focused on technical aspects).
The more you already have implemented, the faster we can help.
Fast is good for all of us.
The Be Searchified™ process works exceptionally well for products, particularly for those with features, benefits and uses that people are searching for.
We all buy products online for a reason. There's a reason we pull out our card and take the time to enter all of the information to place an order.
Some products are sold because they are cool - or recommended by influencers. That's not our thing.
We help entrepreneurs get new customers for their products with SEO SPECIFICITY.
We aren't in the backlink business.
You have to earn/get your own backlinks, ideally in a way that's good for your business.
We ARE Online Smarketers - focused on SALES.
We believe what Google believes .
(always a sensible thing to do)
Say or create something great and other websites will share links, or back links to your product, site or page.
Backlinks are terrific, and we encourage you to find your own ways to get them from reputable sources in your industry to help you get new customers.
The best backlinks are legitimate, not spammy.
Links from another website to your, to help people find valuable information, relavent products and great services.
Sort of. Let's say strategic, varied and useful "keyword stuffing". Only if it helps for clarity.
Most people think of keyword stuffing as writing the same word over and over again.
Literal keyword stuffing used to work quite well, and still does in some cases to get your site or page link on the first page of Google, Bing or your product to appear on the first page of Amazon and other online product sales sites.
In our experience, using a wide variety of highly relevant keywords - features, benefits and uses, FAQ's and answers to a questions - is the ideal approach. It's useful for the prospects, makes you more relevant to a wide variety of searchers, and helps drive sales and inquiries.
Words don't have to clutter a site, when served in clever ways.
Lots of people want a clean look to their websites. A clean look on your website is a branding strategy, not a great sales strategy - and not good for showing up on search results.
If someone already wants your product or service, and they just want to click to buy or a phone number to call - great! If you already have more than enough prospects or customers - great! Have a super clean website.
For most of us, "clean" doesnt sell products and services. Buyers typically search online for answers, or solutions to a specific problem
Can you immagine going into a store with a lot of questions - and the sales people refusing to answer you? That's the user experience on "super clean" websites. A missed opportunity.
Go on Amazon and look at their winning formula. It's not "clean" and it's not pretty (IMHO)!
It sure does work well though.
Pretty websites don't sell. Words sell, and are the way the internet works best so far.
Enough said :)
Buyers Search a Particular Way.
Someone looking to buy a product, for exampe, commonly uses specific keywords or searchterms to find what they want.
They might specify brands, fabrics, sizes, colors, users (kids, women) specific features or solutions (sensitive skin, frizzy hair).
We all do it - we're specific when we want to buy something. Pay attention to your own searches.
Happily - there are efficient ways to identify all the ways buyers search for what you have, assuming you have something people want.
Direct marketing is reaching out to people in a certain area, or a specific demographic, for example.
We're doing the same thing with a twist - we only show up when they are ready to buy, and actively searching for what we have.
NICHE. NICHE. NICHE. The more specific you are, to the smallest most relavant audience - the better!
Keyword and topic targeting is most successful, as measured by sales, when you focus on keywords, brands and websites that buyers or "in market audiences" are interested in.
Anyone who is serious about success online, as measured by sales and/or website traffic and is able to invest resources (time and money) into a scalable content effort.
SEO Search Strategy and SEO Content Strategy Implementation.
Ideally you have a great brand, reputation, product or service, OR work with or for a company that provides online marketing services.
The educational component will be customized to specific roles and industries so that people will find it interesting and actionable.
Entrpreneurs, Small Businesses
CEO's, CMO's, CRO's
Agency Owners (it starts at the top)
Independant Contractors
Graphic Designers and Web Developers
The Be SEARCHIFIED™ courses and worshops will help
Students and Graduates who want REAL SKILLS to get a great job, and do a great job.
This product and service is NOT for anyone who isn't driven for tangible results. We do NOT offer a quick way out - cheap.
The education component will be for almost everyone motivated to succeed.
This is a TOP DOWN - then bottoms up strtegy. Not "technical SEO".
We talk about buyers, buyers, and then buyers some more.
Our goal is to be fully up and running by Q1 2023.
Up and running means that we will have interesting online courses with actionable information presented in interesting ways.
Written, visual including vidoes, and interactive.
Personalized SEO & SEM Consulting Services with a Be Searchified™ strategist start at
$10,000 payable in advance. It needs to be in advance, because the information is entirely customized for your specific goals and industry / niche.
All eCommerce Consulting Services include a Competive Scorecard, a Custom Keyword Bank and Suggested Site Map and up to 1 day of time to participate in meetings.
How much time is allocated to meetings vs. guides and checklists depends on the specific client needs.